
Streetart – Fat Cap Sprays + SRJP @ London, UK

Title: Mona-Lisa
Location: London, UK
Artists: Fat Cap Sprays + SRJP
Year: 2023

Photo credits: Street Art Atlas

The location presented quite a challenge to work with. The wall is tightly constructed, overlooking a canal bridge with a small alleyway at the bottom, making it impossible to use a lift platform. The towers were positioned one or two levels above the ground before we even reached a height where we could start painting level with the bridge. This required us to take down half of the tower to make it light enough to move and then assemble it again. As a result, I ended up painting my side of the piece in three stages to minimize the hassle. This also meant trusting that each third of the piece would align to fit together as planned. With all that said, I love painting at this scale, and it is an incredible feeling painting at the highest points, pausing occasionally to take in the atmosphere. Thanks to everyone who stopped to speak to us over the course of the week, showing their support and positivity, it is rewarding to know! I’m always glad to hear all the feedback, which also makes me question why there aren’t more large-scale murals in public spaces across the UK.⁠
Fat Cap Sprays

I knew art would open up my mind… but I never considered the friendships it would provide.
For those who don’t know, my first piece in London was a hellish experience. Due to a novice approach and poor weather, I would leave a large negative space. Thankfully, another artist would make use of that space. That artist was Fat Cap Sprays.
We then painted alongside on a community project some months later and I got the chance to share my gratitude for that day.
As time passed, we developed a friendship and I was fortunate enough to listen to their guidance… a fountain of knowledge!
It sounds soppy but I have seen a direct correlation between my artwork and our friendship evolving.
I’m truly grateful to myself for taking this plunge… and am very aware that it’s made easier and more enjoyable by the connections along the way.
I couldn’t do this without the support structure I have… and I don’t mean the scaffold. (There’s a metaphor in that I guess).


Fat Cap Sprays in this blog | Website | Youtube | Instagram | Facebook fan page | Tik Tok
SRJP in this blog | Instagram | Facebook fan page

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